With Kids in Mind, LLC

Children's Educational Consulting & Advocacy

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"Empowering every family to

become the most

knowledgeable and confident advocate for their child"

Elementary School Cartoon

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My Story

Do you have a child who is struggling with reading or writing? Are they having a hard time regulating their emotions, meeting developmental milestones or just finding it difficult to get through the school day happily? Your school may or may not have any concerns but are you feeling that something just isn’t “right”? Maybe their experience is different from your other children or is not lining up with what you’re hearing from other parents. Perhaps it’s nothing more than a gut feeling, but you’re not sure what to do next.

As a wife, mother, and licensed clinical social worker who has spent more than 10 years working in a school setting, I have had this conversation with countless parents. I loved my time in the schools, but I knew it was time to make a change. Now, I sit on the opposite side of the table to help ensure kids receive the necessary tools and services that they deserve (and are due) to reach their full potential. More and more research supports the need for early intervention with specific action plans tailored to meet a child’s needs. In line with my true passion, I am here to help families advocate for their children, navigate the school system, and formulate a long-term strategy to meet their goals.

That’s how I landed as a youth & family educational consultant. I specialize in working with parents and guardians to educate them on how to become their child’s strongest and most informed advocate. I guide parents through the process and empower them to take ownership of their child’s journey.

Preschool to School Aged

Services received in preschool do not automatically transfer upon entering Kindergarten. During this transitional period, your preschool providers will be making recommendations to the school, but the district has no obligation to match service levels based on their advice. Keep in mind that your child's school does not yet know your child well and is unlikely to take the default position of prescribing additional services. To help mitigate the unnecessary risk of a "wait and see" approach which could lead to your child experiencing avoidable setbacks, I strongly recommend going into your initial Committee of Special Education (CSE) meeting with a well defined and formulated plan. This is where I come in. I work with families to develop a plan that bridges preschool to elementary school and sets your child up for success.



In 2020, the CDC reported that Autism diagnoses had nearly doubled from 10 years prior to 1 out of every 36 children. Over the years, doctors and professionals have become more astute at identifying signs of autism. In the past, when there was less of an understanding of this spectrum disorder, a child may have been misidentified as having a behavioral problem. Now, with increased familiarity and greater awareness, families are able to access appropriate and effective interventions. I work with families whose child has already been diagnosed with Autism (or are in the process of seeking further evaluations) to gain access to all of the supports and services available to them. This can include the initiation process for special education, reviewing a child’s current IEP or looking for additional services and support elsewhere. Together, we will develop short and long-term goals to help your child thrive.

Reading Support

1 in 5 children in America struggles from dyslexia, making it one of the most common learning disabilities. Research supporting the need for early identification and intervention is exploding, but legislation forcing schools to implement policies and procedures is lagging behind. With this gap, it is imperative that you be your child's strongest advocate. I specialize in helping families:

  • receive appropriate level of intervention services
  • develop target goals based on widely recognized phonemic assessments
  • track progress and ensure explicit instruction
  • schedule service reviews that evaluate effectiveness of intervention levels

In the event that additional services are needed (either requested by the family or the school), I partner with families as their child's case goes before the CSE for review.

Did you know

  • You can screen for dyslexia indicators as young as preschool age

  • If your child is diagnosed with Autism, but their Individualized Education Plan (IEP) has them classified as Speech and Language Impaired, it can impact their ability to receive other services they entitled to.

  • You do NOT have to have a gap between IQ scores and achievement scores in order to be diagnosed with dyslexia.

  • A wait and see approach is a HIGH RISK strategy when considering your child's success in school

  • By 4th grade, you are no longer learning to read but are reading to learn, making this a huge leap year in your child's schooling trajectory.

  • The Annie E. Casey Foundation found that a 4th grade student who is struggling to read (compared to a proficient reader) is 4x less likely to graduate on time or possibly graduate at all.


Records Review

For children receiving extra assistance during the school day, families should expect to be given at least one status update report from each provider per quarter. While generic templates do exist, it's important to make sure that reports are written to address the individualized goals and objectives carefully designed for each child. These reports will follow a student throughout their education. Accurate and comprehensive reports are critical as the student seeks to secure future services inside or out of the school. It’s important to note that poor record keeping can negatively impact insurance reimbursement eligibility. As a consultant, I thoroughly review all reports related to a child’s case, from medical records through school evaluations, to ensure alignment. Where discrepancies are identified, I develop an action plan to bridge the gap and put the child’s service plan back on track.

Service Options

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Short-Term Consults

Short-term consults are typically 1x meetings which include a record review and subsequent discussion totaling 2.5 hours of services. This service option is often beneficial for families looking for a second opinion or sounding board. In the event that the school has already developed a plan, many find comfort knowing that an outside professional has reviewed the plan to ensure overall alignment and identified no existence of a service gap. Short-term consults are especially beneficial during re-evaluation years, when parents are provided updated reports to be used during CSE meetings focused on programmatic changes. Others may opt for short-term consults prior to applying for outside services from places like the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), where referrals are scrutinized and often denied without adequate support .

Parents Meeting

Long-Term Consults

Long-term consults are intended for families looking for ongoing partnership with more regular council and dialogue throughout the year. In this model, I work directly with families to develop an individualized plan and monitor progress to makes sure the child’s needs are being met. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • requesting that the school complete additional assessments
  • comparing the child's progress to state standards
  • discussing the child's related services (OT, PT, speech, counseling, etc.)
  • exploring additional available service options (behavior plans, assistive tech evals, etc.)

This option comes complete with an organized binder inclusive of the child's evaluations, meeting notes, and IEPs.

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Direct Representation

Any meeting involving your child’s future can be overwhelming. School meetings are often scheduled to review a lot of information in a short amount of time. Families may feel rushed or pressured to agree to an action plan that they haven’t had time to fully digest or review. Whether it be with the CSE, support teams, or teachers, it can be helpful to bring along a partner with experience sitting on the opposite side of the table. In direct representation, I participate in these meetings to serve as an advocate for the child's needs. Having worked in different schools, I’m very familiar with the different meeting structures and am keenly aware of the district’s objectives. Consultations and direct representations are often combined.

Service Cost

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Records Review

Initial 1 Hour: $100

Every Additional Hour: $75

Short-Term Consults

$250 - Includes Record Review and

1.5 Hour Virtual Meeting

Long-Term Consults

$125 / Hour*

Virtual and/or In-Person Meetings

Direct Representation

$150 / Hour*

Attend School Facilitated Meetings

Attend Community Based Service Meetings

Phone Consults

Under 5 Minutes: Free

Above 5 Minutes: Prorated at Consultation Rate

*Travel time billed at half the hourly rate of respective service provided

Contact Information

Melissa Coyle, LCSW

Phone: (845) 742-5476

Email: mcoyle@withkidsinmindny.com